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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14



Penerbit - Julian Publishing and Marketing

Kategori - Akademik Am

Most of the entrepreneurship books available in the markets are produced for peo-ple like students or prospective entrepreneurs with little or no experience at all. After I have concluded my survey, I noticed a literature gap offers a fresh oppor-tunity for people who have experience but ever failed in doing business. Although a failure in business can be very costly, but people need a “self-renewal oppor-tunity through participating in low cost business, and then to make a come-back again!” Having this idea in mind, I hope this book will give encouragement to peo-ple who look forward to stand up again! Because of earlier failure in their business ventures, people were lessoned and gained experience in doing business. However, this should not be the end of the road in their life, if they were given a second chance again, they might be more careful and they can do better decisions this time. But start-up capital seems a barrier to refresh their hopes to overcome their night-mares. Regardless of the size of a consulting business which they might be ven-turing in future, as long as the entrepreneur determines to make a come-back, this book is a gift to encourage them to do self-examine and their past experience could be a new opportunity. On second objective, this guidebook aims at providing information to prospective entrepreneurs especially students. Therefore a low-cost business idea is suitable for them to test water. It is an additional learning resource to enhance their academic skills, especially helping them to develop critical thinking. Through online interactive training, “Entrepreneurial Development Program (EDP)” aims at fulfilling such needs. There are hundreds and thousands of similar course are already available in markets. Most of these courses are structured according to business plans. However this guidebook looks at things differently, it follows a benchmark course developed by MIT Management Educations and build upon on a principle of continuous improvement progressing to achieve the best practice experience. Multiple tasks were designed to help “wannabes” - prospective entrepreneurs develop critical knowledge in order for them to know their strengths and weaknesses. In conclusion, answer these questions honestly. “Is business venture for you?” “What values in you that your clients need?” If you can answer both, then proceed to read this book; if you are not, then, think about doing something that better for you.

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