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Religion, Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence

by Azizan Baharuddin Enizahura Abdul Aziz

Publisher - Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia

Category - Islam

It is important for all of us to understand that collaborative efforts among people of religions are needed to promote peace and harmony. People of all religious backgrounds must realise that threats and challenges to religious harmony and peace can come in many forms, either external or internal. Problems that arise can be overcome together if all religious followers have proper understanding and strong convictions towards their religious values. Through this and as nation that embraces religion as a pillar of strength, religious values could be used as guidance to live harmoniously and peacefully. This book is part of an effort in enhancing public scholarship on the issue of religious harmony and peaceful coexistence. IKIM believes that such an endeavour would help to disseminate the needed knowledge and promote the spirit of unity and acceptance among people of different religions, this creating a world characterised by peaceful coexistence despite its diversity.

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