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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

Student Entrepreneurship

oleh Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd Dali

Penerbit - Penerbit USIM

Kategori - Kewangan & Pelaburan

This book is written for readers to gain exposure and knowledge related to student entrepreneurship. It is expected to become one of the major references in the area of entrepreneurship. It is hopeful that the scenario provided will be the guidance for readers to deepen their understanding about entrepreneurship from the perspective of Islam. It's a collaborative effort by academicians who have presented their papers at International Muamalat and Entrepreneurship Conference (IMEC) organised by Islamic Finance and Wealth Management Institute (IFWMI) and the Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, USIM. The conference was held in the effort to provide scientific references that integrate the revealed and acquired knowledge. This book is unique because the integration between Naqli and Aqli in entrepreneurship study will contribute to the development of Shariah-based business discipline. IFWMI is very honoured and grateful to have the privilege in publishing this book. This book could be viewed as the early steps for these academicians in their endeavour to integrate both Naqli and Aqli disciplines. It is a long journey, but with the guidance from Allah SWT they may reach the end of the journey with falah, Insha-Allah. May Allah make this book a success and a key to understanding Islamic entrepreneurship, as the title implies.

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