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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

The New Media Ascent : Its Usage & Impact in Malaysia

oleh Editors: Mohd Faizal Kasmani, Rosninawati Hussin & Nor Adzrah Ramle

Penerbit - Penerbit USIM

Kategori - Politik

In Malaysia, the advent of digital communication or better known as the new media has been discussed from its potential as a democratizing force that frees information from authorities, and provides access to new viewpoints. Specifically, the development of internet in Malaysia have mostly been framed within the discourse of challenging the dominance of the government control of the media. The emergence of online and independent media in particular has reshaped the news media and political communication and transform the media discourse into a more broadly-based public debate. In a bigger context, the impact of new media to the Malaysian society goes beyond political sphere. For a multi-ethic society in Malaysia, the new communication technology particularly social media could help to create solidarity between one another. This book will help readers to understand how the new media is understood based on their impact on the society. It also will give reader useful information especially as an interface between undergraduate and postgraduate studies as well as for those who would like to comprehend the scenario of new media usage, adoption and impact on the Malaysian society.

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