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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

Unfollow The Flow

oleh Aiman Azlan

Penerbit - Iman Publications

Kategori - Gaya Hidup

“I'm tired of being compared. Like I’m supposed to follow what my peers are doing to achieve their kind of success, instead of doing what I really want to do in life.” *** We often imagine our future to be built upon our goals and dreams, but presently it seems everyone else is ahead of us. One has a dream job as a career, one is about to start a beautiful family, and another is paving a wealthy future for himself. We start to wonder and find ourselves stuck at an intersection : Should we follow the path of others to gain success or can we define our own happiness? Deciding to go against the flow of the norm is scary because we are afraid to choose. What if we choose wrongly? What if we fail and ruin our future? In this book, Aiman Azlan takes readers on an explorative journey of owning one’s life choices. It might not be a life like the others but in unfollowing the flow, perhaps we will be able to discover a life of meaning – one that is true to us.

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