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Principles of Marketing from An Islamic Perspective

by Ahasanul Haque, Nurhazirah Hashim, Ali Shafiq

Publisher - INTHOUGHT

Category - Finance & Investments

In the 21st century, each successful organization has realized that marketing is one of the most important and crucial  departments within an  organization. In fact, many organizations have acknowledged that it is certainly impossible to run a business without having a proper marketing department. There is no doubt that a marketing department provides the crucial blood flow to an organization by ensuring superior customer satisfaction which will subsequently lead to higher profit. Many organizations in the Fortune 500 category have considered the marketing department as a key profit centre. They have mentioned that the marketing department brings sources of profit, identifies opportunities, and provides customer satisfaction. The top management of the corporate world considers marketing not as an  expense sector but rather as an investment. Therefore, it is important to understand the concept of marketing, not only from the profit point of view, but also from the market point of view.

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