Understanding al-Mutanabbi: A humanistic psychological approach
oleh Ratna Roshida Ab Razak
Kategori - Akademik Am
This book attempts to see al-Mutanabbī, a great poet of the ‘Abbasid period from the lens of humanistic psychology. An effort has been made to discover the deeper aspects of al-Mutanabbī’s personality, which constitutes an important aspect of his artistic expression. Chapters are structured accordingly for better understanding of the whole discussion. The focuses are on:
- Biographical sketch of al-Mutanabbī, which comprises on the historical, political, cultural background of the poet as well as his
life with his patrons.
- The relationship between psychology and poetry.
- The major concept of humanistic psychology, as well as the work of Horney, Maslow and Rogers, upon which being the basis of the humanistic psychology.
- The Maslovian theory, to consider al-Mutanabbī as a
self-actualizing person in the light of his relationship with his patron Sayf al-Dawlah.
- How al-Mutanabbī as a neurotic person, overcame the
conflict inherent in his relationship with Kāfūr, his second patron.
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