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Loan Duration (day): 14
by Adel Elsaie
Category - Religion
The Islamic Sources and the basics of Islam are presented as a true Monotheistic religion. The Quran is preserved in the original Arabic text and the memorization of the whole Holy Book by millions of Muslims during fourteen centuries. No other religion can claim the same. To achieve stronger faith in Islam, aproof of the existence of the name and description of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in the Bible are presented. Moreover, the need of Islamic Unity and Islamic Identity are emphasized, and the dangers facing Muslims are highlighted. Inspiring stories of converts to Islam, representing the fast diversity of Muslims converts of Islam are presented. The scientific verses in the Quran represent serious challenges to non-Muslims. Some of the scientific miracles of the Quran is followed which prove that an unlettered Arab in the seventh century, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, stated scientific facts that became know only after fourteen centuries. This is one the proofs that the Prophet received a revelation from the One and Only Creator. The religion criteria are applied tu the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
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