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by Adel Elsaie
Category - Religion
The author traces the advent of polytheism early in the human history to the people of Noah. This book examines ancient pagan trinities in the Middle East and how they influenced the Christian trinity. For 2000 years, Christians practice old pagan customs and celebrate pagan holidays. Hinduism and Buddhism are also presented. This is followed by exploring Monotheism. Judaism imposes human characteristics on God and present Biblical Prophets in a corrupt manner, which exposes the grave defects in the Old Testament. The four phase theory of the Evolution of Christianity in its first 800 years reveals how humans, not Jesus Peace bee upon him, formulated the doctrines of Christianity. It also shows how Christianity is transformed from true Monotheism to polytheism by tainting Christianity with classical mythology. Major contradictions in the new Testament are presented. The role of Paul, fathers of the Church, and the Ecumenical council of Church that were presided by Emperors and Empresses, in the evolution of Christianity are exposed. The basic doctrines of Christianity of trinity, son of god, origianal sin, atonement, crucifixion and the resurrection are criticized in the light of the New Testament as well as Islamic traditions.
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