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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

Dysfuntional Uterine Bleeding : Current Concepts

oleh Melthil Kannan Kutty, Siva Achanna & Nik Nasri Ismail


Kategori - Keluarga & Kesihatan

The spectacular strides made in the kaleidoscopic spectrum of the etiology and treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) prompted us to make an exciting venture for all those who are interested in recent trends in gynaecology and the raison d’etre for this book. Astounding progress in the state of the art, technology and progressive discoveries all facets of medical disciplines in unraveling molecular mechanisms of diseases including DUB. Cognizant of this scenario with the cutting edge of modern technology and its paramount importance in understanding the basic pathogenesis of DUB, we have touched o some of the breakthroughs for clearer comprehension of certain aspects that have, hitherto, remained unclear.

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