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by Adel Elsaie
Publisher - Penerbit USIM
Category - Religion
It represents a step-by-step search of the truth in an attempt to answer the most important question of the human mind; “Dose God exist?” The current tendency to separate science and religion imposes disgraceful restrictions on science to achieve even more prosperous horizons. The law of repetition is introduced. This law simply states that because common guidelines exist, in all living organisms or physical objects, then the Designer of the Creator of all living and non-living objects is the same. The question of the existence of God is answered by examining the known facts about the universe such as the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe and the recent discovery in cosmology. The missing universe is explained. The theory of evolution that is being taught in every high school and university on earth is criticized and discredited. This is based upon recognized information about origin of life, fossil record, comparative anatomy, and mutation. The author establishes criteria for accepting religion that will be applied to the three dominant Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The technical information, in this book, is presented in an easy-to read and understandable form.
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