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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 14

A Home for Myrtle

oleh Leela Hope

Penerbit - PublishDrive

Kategori - Novel Remaja

Do your kids struggle with making friends?

Do they sometimes feel like they don’t belong?

A Home for Myrtle tells a tale about a friendly red monster who needs a place to live. Myrtle the Monster feels like she doesn’t belong anywhere and faces rejection in her search for a place to live. She learns that even someone who seems like an unlikely friend can be the one who helps you in the end. Aimed for ages 0-6, A Home for Myrtle provides a fun and interesting story for kids of all ages and is told through rhyming verse and colourful illustrations. The Myrtle the Monster series is ideal for enjoyable bed-time stories, preschoolers and children learning to read.

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