Kategori : Sedia Untuk Dipinjam

daripada 293 laman

The 9 Golden Habits for Brighter Muslim

oleh dr H Agus Sukaca

Kesuksesan setiap muslim bukanlah sesuatu yang datang tiba-tiba, melainkan akumulasi dari langkah-langkah kecil yang positif dan dilakukan terus-menerus. Ya, kebiasaanlah yang akan membentuk masa depa ...


The Adventures of Ollie Orangutan

oleh Larry Landgraf

In the beginning, all animals were born wild and free. Ollie, however, was born in a cage and has spent his entire life in a zoo. Everything he knew, he learned from his mother and through the bars of ...


The Amazing Patience of Prophet Ayub

oleh Sulaiman Zakaria

A collection of stories about the struggles faced by the Prophets and the success that they achieved later. The stories are told in simple, easy to understand language. The colourful and attractive il ...


The Amazing Piano

oleh Bobette Stanbridge

This is a story of a piano whose music heals. Not only does it deliver positive messages to the reader, but it teaches basic piano lessons and energy healing lessons. The Bobette Art Company introduc ...


The Amazing Rasulullah

oleh Sayf Muhammad Isa

Setiap orang Islam adalah pembawa risalah yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. Siapa pun dia, di mana pun tempatnya berada, apa pun pekerjaannya, adalah pembawa risalah. Kita bukan hanya perlu mengamalk ...


The Apple Seed

oleh Dulce Amor Soriano

A tiny apple seed just wanted to become tall and fruitful someday, but a series of unexpected things happened, making her wonder if her dream would ever have a chance of coming true. Follow her advent ...


The Arab Modernists and the Quranic Text

oleh Jilani Ben Touhami Meftah

There is no specialized scientific study that ever draws on the phenomenon of the modernists’ understanding of al‐Qur’an through a lengthy critical analysis within its historical and epistemic c ...


The Art of Letting God

oleh Mizi Wahid

Do you feel overwhelmed right now with all the pressures and uncertainties of life? Does the thought of your past failures, failed relationships and negative labels drag you down? Have you ever wished ...


The Art of Woo [Seni Menjual Gagasan dengan Persuasi Strategis]

oleh G. Richard Shell dan Mario Moussa

Ketika Napoleon Bonaparte masih seorang perwira pada penaklukan Toulon, dia merangkai sebuah senjata artileri di lokasi yang sangat terbuka dan berbahaya. Semua atasannya mengira dia tidak akan mendap ...


The Bear Who Loved Chocolate

oleh Leela Hope

Once upon a time there was a bear who would only ever eat chocolate! He would not eat any vegetables or fruit. He would only eat chocolate. The bear didn't eat rice. He didn't eat cereal. He certainly ...
