Category : Religion

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Akidah Penghayatan Tauhid AL-QURAN, Edisi Kedua


Aspek penghayatan akidah tauhid yang menjadi teras serta dasar dakwah bagi semua nabi dan rasul sejak nabi Allah hingga nabi Muhammad SAW menjadi mauduk perbincangan buku ini. Intipati pemahaman akida ...

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Al-Arqam di Sebalik Tabir

by Ann Wan Seng

Sebagai sebuah pertubuhan Islam dan gerakan dakwah, peranan dan penglibatan Al‐Arqam dalam arus kebangkitan semula Islam di negara kita tidak boleh diketepikan. Sejak ditubuhkan pada tahun 1968 sehi ...

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Al-Hakim al-Naisaburi dan Metodologi Hadis al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihain

by Muhamad Mustaqim Mohd Zarif

Buku ini bertujuan mengupas pelbagai isu berkaitan konsepsi dan metodologi al-hakim dalam penerimaan hadis dan sejauh manakah ia diaplikasikan dalam penulisan al-mustadrak. Di samping itu, perbincanga ...

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Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

by Hamid Algar

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran sets forth the cultural, social, political, and economic foundations of Iranian society on the basis of the Islamic principles and norms that represent ...

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by Zulkarnain Bin Muhamad Sori, Sazali Bin Abdul Wahab, Mahmoud Al Homsi

This book presents contemporary issues in financial reporting of Islamic financial institutions. Two key areas are covered namely, accounting for Islamic financial transactions and shariah governance ...

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Dakwah Islam Semasa: Konsep dan Pelaksanaan

by Nor Raudah Hj. Siren, Yusmini Mohd. Yusoff & Mahmudah Hj. Nawawi

Buku ini mengemukakan beberapa pandangan daripada pelbagai institusi dan bidang dalam melihat konsep dan pelaksanaan dakwah masa ini. Penulis terdiri daripada ahli akademik yang pakar dalam bidang mas ...

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Dawa - The Islamic Strategy for Reshaping the Modern World

by Patrick Sookhdeo

A global survey of Islamist strategies and tactics for missionary outreach (dawa), this readable but well referenced book analyses the current processes of Islamisation at an individual and societal l ...

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Fundamentals of Islamic Thought

by Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari

Ayatullah Murtaza Mutahhari, assassinated in May 1979, soon after the triumph of a revolution he had done much to promote both intellectually and organizationally, was one of the most versatile and pr ...

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