Category : Family & Health

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Advances in Biobanking Practice Through Public and Private Collaborations

by Julie Corfield

Advances in Biobanking Practice Through Public and Private Collaborations presents an analysis of methods and current models of partnership between public and private organizations designed to impr ...

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Aplikasi Teori Perkembangan Kerjaya

by Sapora Sipon

Buku ini membincangkan teori-teori yang terdapat dalam perkembangan kerjaya seperti Toeri Tret dan Faktor, Teori Personaliti dan Persekitaran Holland, Teori Super serta Teori Ginzberg. Berdasarkan teo ...

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Banking the Guy

by J. S. Parker

Dear Ladies,  Are you looking to hook the man of your dreams?Do you want him to want you without giving too much away? Do you want to make youself so irresistable to them that they cant get enough ...

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Bebas Kanser Sepanjang Hidup Dengan Terapi Herba

by N Kolis Dewangga

3 Fakta Penting Kanser: • Penyakit kritikal yang menjadi faktor kematian ketiga terbesar. • Faktor obesiti, pemakanan, kurang aktiviti sukan dan merokok menyumbang 30% risiko penyakit kanser. • ...

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Bebas Tekanan Darah Tinggi Sepanjang Hidup Dengan Terapi Herba

by N Kolis Dewangga

Tekanan darah tinggi merupakan penyakit kritikal dan merbahaya. Pesakitnya berisiko mati disebabkan tekanan tersebut. Tekanan darah tinggi juga meningkatkan risiko kegagalan jantung, jantung koroner, ...

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Can Black Women Achieve Marital Satisfaction? How Childhood Nurturing Experiences Impact Adult Marital Happiness

by Dr. Dwayne L. Buckingham

Dr. Dwayne L. Buckingham has advanced scientific knowledge by conducting the first-ever research study that explores how Black women's childhood experiences impact their perceptions of achieving mari ...

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Case Report in Internal Medicine

by Ahmad Najib Azmi

This book gathers most of the case reports in various medical fields to share with the young doctors who are enthusiastic to learn. It is a good guide for medical students to learn the various methods ...

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Childhood Allergies: All You Need to Know About Your Child's Allergy

by Dr Dawn Lim

"Whether you are a parent, relative, caregiver or teacher of an allergy-prone child, you know how challenging it is to keep that child safe, happy and healthy. You want to determine what is ‘safe’ ...

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