Kategori : Sedia Untuk Dipinjam

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Geological Survey Act 1974 (Act 129) - As at 5 August 2014

oleh CLJ-Publication

Geological Survey Act 1974 (Act 129) - As at 5 August 2014


Geologists Act 2008 (Act 689) - As at 23 April 2015

oleh CLJ-Publication

Geologists Act 2008 (Act 689) - As at 23 April 2015


Geophysical Approaches in Geological Structure Assessment

oleh Muhammad Taqiuddin Zakaria & Nordiana Mohd Muztaza

GEOPHYSICAL APPROACHES IN GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE ASSESSMENT This book illustrates how geophysical methods can be used in subsurface investigations and exposed outcrops. It was written to share the kn ...


Gerakan ke Tabuk

oleh Zainol Fikri Md Yusof

SIRI SAYANGI RASULULLAH SAW ini mengisahkan tentang riwayat hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW. Setiap cerita diolah dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah serta dihiasi ilustrasi berwarna yang menarik. Kanak-kanak akan ...


Germany's Three-Pillar Banking System: Cross-Country Perspectives in Europe

oleh International Monetary Fund

German banks tend to be less profitable than their foreign counterparts. This paper estimates the likely effect of the phaseout of state guarantees for public sector banks, reviews the various ways i ...


Ghost Stories and Thrillers

oleh Elizabeth Fowler

Ghost Stories and Thrillers is a collection of 9 spine-tingling short stories for the secondary-level reader. Thrill and chill with a mysterious voice in the night, a haunted ship, ghosts who play foo ...


Gigi Menurut Perspektif Islam dan Pergigian

oleh Irwan Mohd Subri & Haslinda Ramli

Buku ini membincangkan gigi daripada sudut perspektif al-Quran, hadis dan bidang pergigian. Seterusnya, ia mengupas beberapa isu fiqah yang berkaitan pergigian, antaranya isu Gigi Emas, Implan Gigi, M ...


Gingerbread Man

oleh Donald Kasen

An old woman was lonely so she made a little boy out of gingerbread. When the gingerbread boy was done the woman opened the oven and the boy ran out the door. He ran and ran and ran with all the peopl ...


Global Aristocrats Living under a Guided Capitalism World: Melayu Aristokrat Global

oleh Wan Muhammad Affan Bin Wan Mohd Khalid

This book talks about the emergence of the professional bumiputera class, navigating the 4th IR world. It also touches on specific government policies that enhances wealth creation for the bumiputera. ...


Globalisasi Sastera Siber

oleh Azhar Haji Wahid

Dalam ruang kecanggihan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi, karya sastera nukilan karyawan Malaysia dan kesusasteraan Melayu seharusnya berupaya menerobos ruang maya yang dianggap sebagai dunia ghaib y ...
