Kategori : Kewangan & Pelaburan

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A Banking Union for the Euro Area

oleh Rishi Goyal

The SDN elaborates the case for, and the design of, a banking union for the euro area. It discusses the benefits and costs of a banking union, presents a steady state view of the banking union, elabo ...


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Applied Science & Technology in Information Security & Assurance, Financial Mathematics & Actuarial Science & Risk Management

oleh Ed: Sakinah Ali Pitchay

This book is a compilation of final year undergraduate research on applied science and technology for three different fields which are Information ...


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Aspects of the International Banking Safety Net

oleh G. Johnson

During the 1970s, international lending by banks came to play a dominant role in the flow of international finance. In the early 1980s, banks have continued to play a major role, but the recent evide ...


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Bank 4.0 - Banking Everywhere, never at a bank

oleh Brett King

In the final book in the digital “BANK” series, Brett King tackles the topic of whether banks have a future at all in the emerging, technology embedded world of the 21st century. In 30-50 years wh ...


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Banking Crises: Cases and Issues

oleh International Monetary Fund

The condition of banking systems in developing countries strongly influences the design and effectiveness of economic adjustment policies. Bank portfolio weakness can limit the flexibility of interes ...


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Banking Reform in the Lower Mekong Countries

oleh Olaf Unteroberdoerster

This paper reviews recent banking reform efforts in the lower Mekong countries (LMCs), comprising Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Vietnam. Linked by close economic and cultural ti ...


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Banking Soundness and Monetary Policy

oleh Charles Enoch

Banking sector problems have affected many IMF member countries, and measures to remedy these problems as well as to prevent their recurrence deeply concern central bankers and policymakers. the pape ...


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Budaya Usahawan Berjaya

oleh Buerah Tunggak, Hussin Salamon

Bidang keusahawanan dan perniagaan merupakan satu bidang yang dipandang mulia oleh ajaran Islam. Di samping ianya merupakan satu bentuk ibadah kepada Tuhan, bidang ini juga turut menjanjikan pulangan ...


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