Christopher finds a small but mischievous tornado on his window sill after a stormy night. When he takes it to school to show everyone, the tornado makes one huge mess after another! What will Chri ...
Crazy Boy the Hero by Steve Townsend, is the first in a series of books about a young boy's adventures set in the lakeside town of Kibuye in Rwanda, Africa. Agasazi (the Crazy Boy) is asked by his ...
Puteri Nur Amierah kembali lagi. Kali ini satu program jualan amal telah diadakan di sekolah sempena Hari Terbuka.
Puteri bersama rakan karibnya, Iqa dan Fatin telah mencapai kata sepakat untuk men ...
Dear Diary is suitable for 11 year olds and above.
This is the diary of Syazwani, a young teenager who had secretly written this diary and keeping it hidden from the rest of the world until now! Joi ...