The Adventures of Tucker and Cutter are the stories of two real-life dogs as they explore the world and embark on crazy adventures. What will they get into next!?
Puterisakura_chan : Salam. Kongbangwa!
Ummar_raihan : Salam. Errr...kongbangwa tu apa?
Puterisakura_chan : He...he...he....maaf! Sudah terbiasa dengan bahasa Jepun.=)Kongbangwa itu m ...
Dave and his mum are all set to take a train when there is an announcement that the next train heads to a strange destination, Wonderland. Mum goes to make an enquiry and Dave takes the train by ...
Learn About Days, Months and Season teaches the days of the week and and the months of the year. It takes the next step and relates the months to the seasons. Done in simple rhyme this is a great t ...